Key performance indicators Definition Purpose
Share of public-sector tenants, % Contractual annual rental value from public-sector tenants divided by total contractual annual rental value. The performance indicator is used to highlight the overall credit risk of the company’s tenants. A high proportion of income from public-sector tenants contributes to lower credit risk.
Share of secured debt, % Secured debt as a percentage of total assets. The performance indicator is a measure of the degree of structural subordination to unsecured debt.
Loan-to-value ratio, % Räntebärande skulder minus leasingskuld i förekommande fall, likvida medel och kortfristiga placeringar i förhållande till fastigheternas verkliga värde, andelar i intressebolag, fordringar på intressebolag, övriga anläggningstillgångar och tillgångar som innehas för försäljning. This performance indicator is used to highlight the financial risk of the company and shows the proportion of the business that is financed by interest-bearing liabilities.
Yield, % The net operating income on an annual basis for the property portfolio at the end of the period in relation to the value of the property portfolio at the end of the period less the value of ongoing projects and unused building rights. The key performance indicator shows the profit generation before financial expense and costs for central administration are taken into account.
Economic occupancy rate, % Contractual annual rental value at the end of the period in relation to the sum of contractual income, estimated market rent for unlet space and, where applicable, discounts on an annual basis. The performance indicator illustrates the economic utilisation rate of the company's lettable area.
Tenant category Based on the activities of the tenants, the categories are Justice, Higher Education, Health Care, Other Public Sector and Non-Public Sector.
Property category Main activity in the property calculated on contractual annual rental value per property unit. There may be areas within a property category that relate to activities other than the main category. Intea's property categories are Justice, Higher Education, Health care, Other public sector and Non-public.
Property value, SEKm Det belopp till vilket bolagets förvaltningsfastigheter är redovisade enligt balansräkningen vid periodens utgång. The performance indicator highlights the value of the company's property portfolio.
Förbrukning netto, GWh El som förbrukas av koncernen. Ej inkluderat el som vidarefaktureras till hyresgästerna.
Profit from property management, SEKm Resultat före värdeförändringar och skatt. The performance indicator illustrates the profitability of the property management.
Average interest rate at the end of the period, % Average interest rate on interest-bearing liabilities excluding, where applicable, lease liabilities, including costs of committed lines of credit and including interest coupon derivatives. The performance indicator is used to highlight the interest rate risk of the company's interest-bearing liabilities.
Contracted rental income (SEKm) Contractual rental income on an annual basis less rent discounts and vacancies.
Adjusted profit from property management per Class A and Class B share, SEK Profit/loss from property management less, where appropriate, the profit/loss for the period attributable to Class D shares in relation to the average number of Class A a The performance indicator is used to illustrate the company's property from property management per Class A and Class B share in a way that is consistent for listed companies.
Adjusted long-term net asset value, SEKm Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company at the end of the period, net of deferred tax, interest rate derivatives as shown in the balance sheet and less a maximum of SEK 33 per Class D share multiplied by the number of Class D shares outstanding. The performance indicator is an established measure of the long-term net asset value of the Company and other listed companies, which allows for analyses and comparisons
Adjusted long-term net asset value per Class A and Class B share, SEK Long-term net asset value in relation to the number of Class A and Class B shares out standing at the end of the period. The performance indicator highlights the longterm net asset value share of holders of Class A and Class B shares.
Like-for-like portfolio Properties owned for entire comparable periods that have not been classified as project properties during those periods.
Contractual annual rental value, SEKm Contractual rental income on an annual basis less rent discounts and vacancies.
Kapitalbindning, år Average remaining maturity at the end of the period of interest-bearing liabilities. The performance indicator is used to highlight risk associated with refinancing. A long maturity indicates lower refinancing risk.
Net investments, SEKm The sum of cash flow from investments made in project and investment properties, adjusted for any sales during the period. Key performance indicator to highlight the Company's ability to achieve operational objectives.
Property units A registered property or, as the case may be, if the registered property is occupied by several buildings in which the main uses vary within Intea's property categories, such buildings constitute property units.
Public-sector tenants Tenants for which the credit risk of the tenancy is borne by the state, a municipality or region. The performance indicator is used to highlight the credit risk in the company's income.
Project property Fastighet eller väl avgränsad del av fastighet där
tomställning skett i syfte att omvandla och förädla
fastigheten. Till projektfastigheter hänförs även
byggnad under uppförande samt fastighet med
en investering uppgående till minst 20 procent av
verkligt värde. Omklassificeringen från projektfastighet till färdigställd fastighet görs den 1
januari året efter färdigställandet.
Fixed-rate period, years Average fixed-rate period at the end of the period of interest-bearing liabilities, if any, excluding lease liabilities, but including the coupon rates on interest-rate derivatives. The performance indicator is used to highlight interest rate risk. A long fixed-rate term indicates lower interest rate risk.
Interest coverage ratio, multiple Profit/loss from property management in relation to net financial income for the period. The performance indicator illustrates interest rate risk by highlighting the sensitivity of the company's profit from property management to changes in interest rates.
Självförsörjningsgrad netto, % Andel av koncernens elförbrukning, ej inkluderat
el som vidarefaktureras till hyresgästerna, som
försörjs med egenproducerad förnyelsebar el.
Nyckeltalet används för att redovisa hur stor andel
av Inteas elförbrukning, exklusive vidarefakturerad
förbrukning, som produceras av egenägda sol- och
Equity/assets ratio, % Total equity divided by total assets at the end of the period. The ratio is used to show the proportion of the company's assets that are financed by equity and is included to enable investors to assess the company's capital structure.
Remaining contract period, years The average remaining lease term for public-sector tenants weighted based on contractual rental value. The key performance indicator is used to highlight the company's rental risk.
Surplus ratio, % Net operating income in relation to total rental income during the period. The performance indicator illustrates the profitability of the property management activities.