
Property designation Rönneholm 6:2
Street address and city Rönneholms slott, 241 74 Stehag
Lettable area, sqm 7,700
Plot area, sqm 180,000
Type Prison
Largest tenants The Swedish Prison and Probation Service, Nämndemansgården

About the property

The property Rönneholm 6:2 is located in Stehag in the municipality of Eslöv and includes Rönneholm Castle with associated buildings. The Ringsjö Prison is a class 3 women's institution with 40 places. The lease agreements with the Swedish Prison and Probation Service runs to July 2026 and cover approximately 2,200 sqm of lettable area.

The other tenant, Nämndemansgården, runs a treatment center for women with alcohol and drug problems. The lease covers approximately 3,300 sqm of lettable area and runs until the turn of the year 2023/24.

Property manager

Björn Wemmenborn

Mobile +46 (0)730-60 11 71

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