
Property designation Eldaren 6
Street address and city Norra Kajplan 2B-6
392 31 Kalmar
Lettable area, sqm 29,300
Plot area, sqm 10,756
Type University
Largest tenants Linnaeus University
Environmental classification LEED gold
Web site www.intea.se/ort/kalmar

About the property

Eldaren 6 is a newly constructed building on Universitetskajen in Kalmar. It provides modern teaching facilities for Linnaeus University. In addition to the teaching facilities, the property also houses a restaurant and café, as well as offices.

Linnaeus University a great deal of attention was paid to a sustainable construction process, choice of materials and the latest technology for operation, control and monitoring. The building has a sedum roof, solar cells and water deionisation. Rainwater is collected for watering plants. The building is environmentally certified to LEED Gold level.

Property manager

Jonas Rimsberg

Mobile +46 (0)722-17 90 60

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