
Property designation Näsby 34:24
Street address and city Elmetorpsvägen 15
291 39 Kristianstad
Lettable area, sqm 33,417
Plot area, sqm 80,000
Type University
Largest tenants Kristianstad University

About the property

The property Näsby 34:24 consists of 22 buildings and is located just north of the city centre of Kristianstad, 1.8 km from Central Station. From 1920, the area was home to the Norra Skånska Regiment (P6) and after being closed down in 1995 was taken over by Kristianstad University.

Den uthyrningsbara arean uppgår till cirka 33 400 kvm, med en markareal om cirka 80 000 kvm.

Property manager

Björn Wemmenborn

Mobile +46 (0)730-60 11 71

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