
Property designation Fanborgen 3
Street address and city Spetsvinkelgatan samt Kristian IV:s väg 3
Lettable area, sqm 23,590
Plot area, sqm 26,000
Type University
Largest tenants Halmstad University
Environmental classification BREEAM In Use

About the property

Fanborgen 3, together with the Fanan 54, 55, 57, 60 and 62 properties, which are also owned by Intea, represent Halmstad University’s Adjacent to the entrance are stops for buses and taxis as well as parking spaces. The building has a total lettable area of ​​approximately 23,600 sqm with, among other things, the university's administration, university library and auditorium.

Fanborgen 3 has been certified under the BREEAM In Use scheme. BREEAM In Use.

Property manager

Johanna Tideman

Mobile +46 (0)733-75 56 11

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