Financial targets

  • Annual growth in long-term net asset value per ordinary Class A and ordinary Class B share over time of at least 12 percent (including any value transfers).
  • Annual growth in the management result per common share of series A and B over time of at least 12 percent.

Operational targets

  • At least 90 percent of rental income must come from public-sector tenants over time.

Financial risk limits

  • The debt-to-equity ratio should long-term be within the range of 50–55 percent and should not exceed 60 percent.
  • The interest coverage ratio should long-term exceed 2 times.

Dividend policy

  • Den sammanlagda utdelningen ska ligga i intervallet 30–50 procent av förvaltningsresultatet, varav D-aktier ger rätt till utdelning om maximalt 2 kronor per D-aktie.