Financial targets

  • Annual growth in long-term net asset value per ordinary Class A and ordinary Class B share over time of at least 12 percent (including any value transfers).
  • Annual growth in earnings from property management per ordinary Class A and Class B share over time of at least 12 percent.

Operational targets

  • At least 90 percent of rental income must come from public-sector tenants over time.
  • Property value must be at least SEK 30 billion by the end of 2026. This will be achieved through both acquisitions and project investments, mainly in new construction.

Financial risk limits

  • The loan-to-value ratio for the Group shall be in the range of 50-55 percent over time, and shall not exceed 60 percent.
  • The interest coverage ratio for the Group shall not be less than 2 times.

Dividend policy

  • Den sammanlagda utdelningen ska uppgå till cirka 50 procent av förvaltningsresultatet, varav D-aktier ger rätt till utdelning om max 2 kronor per D-aktie.